
Announcing EasyA's partnership with Solana Foundation!

Phil Kwok
2 min read

If you’re excited about Solana, how do you actually get started? Do you look up the docs, try to learn Rust, or watch YouTube videos? If you’re anything like me, chances are the first time you got excited about Solana you ran through exactly that cycle. The only problem? Rust is too hard. Docs are too dense. And YouTube videos are too long. So like me, you bounced! Solana development was a dream, but never turned into a reality.

Today, I couldn’t be more excited to announce that with the support of the Solana Foundation, this narrative has now changed forever with the launch of the EasyA Solana Developer Crash Course.

Now, the entrypoint to Solana development is closer than ever - to be precise, never further away than the push of a button. Instead of casting mystical spells to conjure up elusive CLI tools or IDE configs, developers can now simply learn about Solana right within the EasyA app.

We’ve spent months researching and engaging with focus groups to find exactly what developers were looking for on Solana, and you asked for 2 main things above all:

  1. “Speed run us through how we’d actually deploy a smart contract. And do it live - not just through a simulation”
  2. “Show us how we can actually connect to a wallet - don’t just focus on the backend”

So we did exactly that! We broke new ground and implemented the first ever full smart contract deployment totally on mobile. Yes, we know - it’s absolutely crazy! Builders completing the EasyA Solana challenges will be able to go from zero to deploying an actual Solana program (smart contract) right from their phones.

But we didn’t stop there. It’s totally true that most developers in Web3 don’t work on smart contracts - they’re actually busy making what they’ve built accessible to the world! So we implemented our very own wallet integration into the crash course too - because what use is your smart contract if nobody can use it?

We won’t go into the technicalities here, but suffice to say there’s a whole lot going on under the hood here. And that’s what’s important; we allow you to focus on getting your hands dirty right away without needing to worry about the specifics of setting up a whole command line toolkit just to try out a particular feature!

Why did we take such pains to do this? Because our vision is to bring the next 1Bn developers into Web3. There’s no way we can do this by just throwing docs at people. We need to make learning about Web3 as easy as opening up Duolingo, and this set of Solana challenges is just the beginning. We have so much more to do, and we’re absolutely thrilled to be announcing many more challenges in the Solana ecosystem soon.

…So whether you’re too busy rushing to work on the bus, too snowed under with work, or can just never find the time to learn about Solana, you have no excuses now! You can get stuck into Solana while waiting for the bus, while on a Zoom call, or even in the gym! So what are you waiting for? Deploy your first Solana program today with the push of a few buttons!